an inclusive faith community where all are invited to
experience the love & grace of God
Sedona UMC is in a season of revitalization. Early in our journey, God revealed the vision that our work would be grounded in social justice and loving our neighbors. We are so proud that Sedona UMC, a faith community that has been serving the Verde Valley for over 40 years, is a fully inclusive and affirming faith community where all are invited to experience the love and grace of God.
We are people with open hearts, open minds, and open doors who value community and relationship. Together, we embrace faith, hope, and unity, creating a welcoming space for spiritual growth and connection.
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 6:30am followed by brunch in The New Room

Journey through Lent with SUMC
In this season of revitalization, we are fully engaged in bringing the joy and hope of Easter to the community through a series of different programs including book study, conversations in community, art programming, including a prayer walk all beginning Sunday, March 9.
Each Sunday leading up to Easter, you are invited to join us!
Sundays @10am: Where We Meet Book Study
(March 9 - April 6)
All are welcome to join a Lenten study of systems, stories and hope. Each week focuses on a series of daily reflections exploring a spectrum of critical themes—from diversity and equity to the challenge of the post-colonial church to the vital need for innovation and contextualization in doing the work Jesus calls us to do.
Sundays @1pm: Conversations in Community (begins 3/9) Together we will cover a diverse set of topics from inclusion & making social justice a bedrock of our community to heart health discussions.
Town Hall, Ask our Pastor (POSTPONED, DATE TBD)
3/30 Dr. Coral Evans, former Mayor of Flagstaff
4/6 "Being Mortal", presented by Accord Hospice
April 13 10am Palm/Passion Sunday Join us for worship and a dramatic reading of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and journey through his last days. There will be a prayer walk through the Sedona UMC courtyard featuring works by our artist in residence, Rev. George Dorado Blanco. You are invited to come and immerse yourself in the story of hope.
April 20 6:30am Easter Sunrise Service & Community Brunch
Sedona UMC, Church of The Red Rocks & Christ Lutheran will all join together at SUMC
Upcoming Events
Sundays @ 9:30am Coffee House Opens @10am Launch Team Devotions & Meeting
1st Sundays Coffee House Worship: A casual time of good coffee, conversations & community
3rd Sundays Communion Worship
1ST & 3RD Sundays 4-5:15p Soul Restore Yoga with Lauren- learn more here.
Tuesdays & Saturdays 10am- 4pm Artist in Residence Open Studio, come meet Rev. George Dorado Blanco, view his studio & learn about The Sacred & Profane Art Academy
Wednesdays 3-4:30pm Grief Support Group Meets in The New Room, led by Rev. Dr. Pastor Elizabeth LeMaster & Dr. Linda Weaver. All are welcome to a place of healing & care. Learn more here.
Saturdays 8am-9am Open Recovery Meeting (AA)- learn more here.
Monday, February 10th 10am-4pm Pastels: A Crash Course Instructed by Nori Thorne in the SUMC New Room Building. Learn more here.
Sundays @10am in March Beginning 3/9 Lenten Book Study: Where We Meet: A Lenten Study of Systems, Stories, and Hope. We meet in the New Room, learn more & order your copy here.
Saturday March 22nd 10am-3pm - Explore Painting with Oils & Acrylics Instructed by George Dorado Blanco in the SUMC New Room Building. Learn more here.
Sunday, March 30 1pm Dr. Coral Evans
4 Week Airbrush Series Saturdays 4/ 5, 4/12, 4/19 & 4/26 10am-12pm Instructed by George Dorado Blanco in the SUMC New Room Building. Learn more here.
Expressive Pet Portraits in Pastels Mon. April 7 & Tues. April 8 10am - 2pm with Nori Thorne in the SUMC New Room Building. Learn more here.
Sunday, April 6th 1pm Being Mortal, hosted by Accord Hospice
Sunday, April 13 10am Palm/Passion Sunday Join us for worship and a dramatic reading of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and journey through his last days. There will be a prayer walk through the Sedona UMC courtyard featuring works by our artist in residence, Rev. George Dorado Blanco. You are invited to come and immerse yourself in the story of hope.
Sunday, April 20 6:30am Sunrise Easter Service and Brunch
Mother's Day Treasure Chest Art Exhibit May 2nd & 3rd, learn more here.
Wednesday May 14th, Life Line Screening Event in The New Room, learn more here.
Red Rocks Plein Air Workshop Friday 5/23 & Saturday 5/24 11-6pm Instructed by George Dorado Blanco in the SUMC New Room Building. Learn more here.
Click the links below to hear Pastor Elizabeth on the podcast Church is Changing: Conversations with Ministry Innovators and Sedona Life Radio Show on KAZM.